Monday, August 1, 2011

30 Day Book Challenge -- Day 13

Day 13 - Favorite childhood book or current favorite ya book (or both!)

During the summer when I was a child, I did not participate in any summer camps or summer school activities -- I read. Libraries had summer reading lists and if you got through their entire list you got some sort of a prize. I do not remember the prize, except for the gift of learning and reading, but there was one book I remember so vividly that it is my favorite childhood book -- Socks by Beverly Cleary.

Socks is a cat who has a great family but than his family has a baby . So its all about how the cat acts and plays with the baby.Socks gets jealous of the new baby,but at the end you see how Socks acts with the baby as they get older.I thought this was one of Beverly Clearys' best books.This book made me laugh a lot, even though I have an allergy to cats!

Current favorite Young Adult book: Don't judge but I am a fan of The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer.

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