Thursday, August 26, 2010

Things I Love Thursday--8/26 Edition

So many happy much love....

--CHICAGO IN ONE DAY! David and I have planned this trip since FEBRUARY! Three baseball games (Two White Sox/One Cubs), one Chicago Bears preseason football game, Sears Tower, John Hancock Observatory, Navy Pier, swimming, relaxing, and just all in all FUN! It has been a hot minute since I traveled with my phenomenal so definitely looking forward to it. We will be back on Tuesday August 31st, have a one day reprieve then back out to...

--ATLANTA!! Originally we were not going to Atlanta because of the Phoenix trip in March but due to my foot injury, I had to pull out of the trip. David felt so bad that he said back in May "You are going to Atlanta during Labor Day Weekend." I nearly screamed my head off. Major reason for going is Dragon Con.

--Trying the Never Ending Pasta Bowl at Olive Garden but stopping at two bowls! The salad and bread sticks did me nummy.

--Laughter through texts. My friends and phenomenal definitely know how to make me smile.

--Finally seeing that I have lost weight and feel healthy! My body now tells me "too many get headache now."

--Comfy pillows to sleep on at night.

--Autumn like weather in August. Yesterday I wore my "Crude, Lewd, and Tattooed" tunic sweatshirt with my ripped leggings and stockings and I think I found my fall staple wear.

--My new Comcast digital converter in my bedroom. I now have G4, AMC, Lifetime Movie Network, and the Hallmark Channel in my room and I love it!

What are you so in love with this week?

1 comment:

  1. Hi There!

    Congrats on the cable box in your room. If there is every anything our team can help you with regarding your Comcast services, give us a shout. We're here for you if you need us.

    Kind Regards,
    Melissa Mendoza
    Comcast Customer Connect
    National Customer Operations


I love all kinds of feedback so THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the comment love! I truly adore everything and anything you have to say!