Thursday, May 6, 2010

Things I Love Thursday--May 6th Edition

Well on my way of getting what has made me happy happy joy joy this week?


--Reading what my stereotype is on Readers by Author and laughing: According to this website, I am a smart geek (JK Rowling) but I am a boy who can't read (Chuck Palahniuk), that I don’t use conditioner in my hair (it's true, I don't) (Anne Rice), that I am still a goth seventh grader (Edgar Allen Poe), that I keep a journal (I do.) (Sylvia Plath), that I like Foo Fighters (I don't) (Bret Easton Ellis), and that I can name at least two Miyazaki films. (Um, who?) (Neil Gaiman)

--Do You Pledge to Read the Printed Word? I DID!

Read the Printed Word!

--The fact that I am WALKING again. No hard cast, no velcro boot, actual SHOES are on my feet. These past three months have been an eye opener for me.

--LOOK AT THE AWESOMENESS OF THIS CAKE! So bright and colorful....makes me not want to eat it!

--Genuine Health Products! About a month ago I started to take this new supplement called Abs+ which promotes a lean body. I have a way to go to my goal but I have lost more weight while taking it! I am also taking Continual Cleanse which is a detox supplement for the liver and colon and that works too! Thank you Gala for exposing these products!

--That David booked and planned out our trip to Atlanta, GA for DRAGON CON! We are leaving on September 2nd and will be back on September 5th. YAY GEEKDOM!

--Upcoming adventures in Baltimore!

--Always having lots of fruit to snack on in my house as well as hummus with cucumbers and carrots.

--Large ice packs and big fluffy pillows to rest my aching rehabbing left foot on.

--The weather! It has been gorgeous the past couple of days with spurts of Murky Dismal but I have enjoyed all of the sunlight coming into my room lately.

--Getting my Dallas Star back. He was going through a tough time and needed to detox his bad habits and that meant cutting off me for a month. I told him the next time he needs some down time to let me know and to not have me worry like that again.

--Sleeping much better at night.

--Apple cinnamon air freshener that I spray into a fan so it gets all over my room. It feels like I am walking into a homemade apple pie, just without all of the slime and sugar.

What are you in love with this week?

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