Thursday, February 10, 2011

Things I Love Thursday -- February 10th Edition

Another week....another list....spreading the love! This week has gone alright except for a huge fight with my brother yesterday that resulted in lots of yelling and crying, but it has been resolved and now we are back to the way we were. With that said, here is what I am jonesing on this week:

~~Hard but happy work with my students
~~Having two coverages right in the beginning of the week
~~Looking up handmade Valentines presents on Etsy
~~The dreamcatcher right above my window
~~That Hudson is gaining some weight back! He is a very picky eater but once I stopped giving him wet dog food and just straight chicken with rice and vegetables, he is happy to eat and his personality is glowing! Yay happy puppy!
~~Wearing hearts and spouting #RADICALSELFLOVE wherever I go.
~~Sampling new music
~~Invigorating alpine air to wake me up as I go to work
~~Getting my hair cut finally!
~~Fresh fruit salad in the morning
~~Sleeping with fuzzy socks on
~~The pre fixe menu at Chinatown Brasserie during NYC Restaurant nummy!
~~Toasted cheese sandwiches
~~Golden Oreo cookies
~~Having time for myself in the morning without drama
~~Getting lots of sleep that makes me feel refreshed!
~~Driveways and sidewalks that are clear of ice/snow
~~Kisses and hugs from my phenomenal as well my dogs
~~Taking myself to an afternoon movie
~~Succumbing to my wonderful bed and taking a nap.
~~Being the #7 link on Gala Darling's TiLT this week.

What are you jonesing with love with this week?

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